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Reversal of English trend towards hospital death in dementia:a population-based study of place of death and associated individual and regional factors, 2001-2010




BackgroundEngland has one of the highest rates of hospital death in dementia in Europe. How this has changed over time is unknown. This study aimed to analyse temporal trends in place of death in dementia over a recent ten year period.MethodsPopulation-based study linking Office for National Statistics mortality data with regional variables, in England 2001–2010. Participants were adults aged over 60 with a death certificate mention of dementia. Multivariable Poisson regression was used to determine the proportion ratio (PR) for death in care home (1) and home/hospice (1) compared to hospital (0). Explanatory variables included individual factors (age, gender, marital status, underlying cause of death), and regional variables derived at area level (deprivation, care home bed provision, urbanisation). Results388,899 deaths were included. Most people died in care homes (55.3%) or hospitals (39.6%). A pattern of increasing hospital deaths reversed in 2006, with a subsequent decrease in hospital deaths (−0.93% per year, 95% CI −1.08 to −0.79 p < 0.001), and an increase in care home deaths (0.60% per year, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.75 p < 0.001). Care home death was more likely with older age (PR 1.11, 1.10 to 1.13), and in areas with greater care home bed provision (PR 1.82, 1.79 to 1.85) and affluence (PR 1.29, 1.26 to 1.31). Few patients died at home (4.8%) or hospice (0.3%). Home/hospice death was more likely in affluent areas (PR 1.23, 1.18 to 1.29), for women (PR 1.61, 1.56 to 1.65), and for those with cancer as underlying cause of death (PR 1.84, 1.77 to 1.91), and less likely in the unmarried (PRs 0.51 to 0.66). ConclusionsTwo in five people with dementia die in hospital. However, the trend towards increasing hospital deaths has reversed, and care home bed provision is key to sustain this. Home and hospice deaths are rare. Initiatives which aim to support the end of life preferences for people with dementia should be investigated.
机译:背景英格兰是欧洲痴呆症中住院率最高的国家之一。随着时间的流逝如何变化尚不得而知。这项研究旨在分析近十年来痴呆患者死亡的时间趋势。方法基于人口的研究将国家统计局的死亡率数据与区域变量联系起来,在英国2001–2010年。参加者为60岁以上的成年人,并有死亡证明提及痴呆症。与医院(0)相比,多变量Poisson回归用于确定护理院(1)和家庭/临终关怀(1)中死亡的比例(PR)。解释性变量包括个人因素(年龄,性别,婚姻状况,潜在的死亡原因),以及在地区一级得出的区域性变量(剥夺,提供护理床,城市化)。结果包括388,899人死亡。大多数人死于养老院(55.3%)或医院(39.6%)。医院死亡人数增加的模式在2006年发生了逆转,随后医院死亡人数下降(每年-0.93%,95%CI -1.08至-0.79 p <0.001),护理院死亡人数增加(每年0.60%, 95%CI 0.45至0.75 p <0.001)。随着年龄的增长(PR 1.11,1.10至1.13)以及在护理床较多的地区(PR 1.82,1.79至1.85)和富裕地区(PR 1.29,1.26至1.31),养老院死亡的可能性更高。很少有患者在家中(4.8%)或临终关怀(0.3%)死亡。在富裕地区(PR 1.23、1.18至1.29),女性(PR 1.61、1.56至1.65)以及以癌症为主要死因的人(PR 1.84、1.77至1.91),家庭/临终关怀死亡的可能性更高。未婚的可能性较小(PR为0.51至0.66)。结论五分之二的痴呆症患者在医院死亡。但是,医院死亡人数增加的趋势已经逆转,护理家庭床位的供应是维持这种状况的关键。家庭和临终关怀的死亡很少。应该研究旨在支持老年痴呆症患者终止生命的措施。



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